Welcome to Ruyu's Website
(updated August 2014)
2010-present Professor, Department of Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan.
2005-2010 Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
2002-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Education & Academic Experiences
2014 Visiting Researcher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2013-2014 Visiting Researcher, University of Luxembourg
2009 Ph.D. University of Bath, UK
2002 Ph.D. National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Hung, R. (accepted) In search of ecopedagogy: Emplacing nature in the light of Proust and Thoreau. Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Hung, R. (2014) Towards an affective pedagogy of human rights education. Journal of Pedagogy.
Hung, Ruyu (2013 online first) Learning as existential engagement with/in place: Departing from Vandenberg and the Reams. Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Hung, R. (in press) Higher education at the crossroads: Accreditation and Evaluation in universities in Taiwan. In Susanne M. Weber (Ed.) Crossroads of the Creative University.
洪如玉、陳惠青(2014)生態現象學初探:Merleau-Ponty的自然觀。黃之棟、黃瑞祺主編:綠色思潮與環境政治(第二章pp. 51-76)。臺北:碩亞數碼科技。
Hung, Ruyu (2013) Educational Hospitality and Trust in Teacher-Student Relationships: A Derridarian Visiting. Studies in Philosophy and Education 32(1), pp. 87-99.
Hung, Ruyu (2013) Caring about strangers: A Lingisian Reading of Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 45(4).6.
洪如玉 (2013) 「地方」概念之探究及其在教育之啟示。人文社會學報,9(4),257-279。
Hung, Ruyu (2012) A lifeworld critique of ‘nature’ in the Taiwanese curriculum: a Perspective Derived from Husserl and Merleau-Ponty. Educational Philosophy and Theory 42(10), pp. 1121-1132.
Hung, Ruyu (2012) Being human or being a citizen? Rethinking human rights and citizenship education in the light of Agamben and Merleau-Ponty. Cambridge Journal of Education. 42(1), 37-51.
洪如玉(2013)。地方教育學探究:Sobel、Theobald與Smith的觀點評析。課程與教學季刊, 16(1), 115-138。
洪如玉(2012)Natura naturans? Natura naturata? 評介Kate Soper《何謂自然?文化、政治與非人類》,通識教育與跨領域研究,11::137-149。
Hung, Ruyu (2011) Guest Editorial: Humanising, De-Humanising, Re-Humanising, In-Humanising in Education. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 43(9), pp. 905-907.
Hung, Ruyu & Stables, Andrew (2011) Lost in space, located in place? Geo-phenomenological exploration and school. Educational Philosophy and Theory 43(2), pp. 193-203.
Hung, Ruyu (2011) In search of affective citizenship: from the pragmatist-phenomenological perspective. Policy Futures in Education, 8(5), pp. 488-499.
Hung, Ruyu (2010) Living and learning as responsive authoring: Reflections on the feminist critiques of Merleau-Ponty’s anonymous body. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 10(1), pp. 1-8.
Hung, Ruyu (2010) Journeying between home and nature: a geo-phenomenological exploration and its insights for learning. Environmental Values 19(2), pp. 233-251.
洪如玉(2010)後形上學的公民資質與公民教育的批判性探討:從Rorty觀點出發。當代教育研究。18(2), pp. 1-28。(NSC-97-2410-H-415-001)
洪如玉(2010)九年一貫課程七大議題正當性之批判性檢視。教育研究與發展期刊。6(2), pp. 33-58。
洪如玉(2010)全球化時代教育改革與發展的另類思考:地方本位教育。幼兒教保研究期刊。5, pp. 73-82
Hung, Ruyu (2010) Learning Nature: How the understanding of nature enriches education and life? Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing LLC. |
洪如玉、王俊斌、黃藿(合譯)(2012)倫理學與幸福人生:道德哲學導論。台北:學富文化。(洪如玉主譯:第一章至第六章。) |
洪如玉(2010)。邁向生態智慧的教育哲思:從人類非中心論思考自然與人的關係與教育。台北:國立編譯館。(國立編譯館 獎勵學術著作) |
洪如玉(2006)。人權教育的理論與實踐。台北:五南。(國立編譯館獎勵人權教育優良著作獎) |
Lectures: Philosophy of Education. Lecturer: Professor Andrew Stables, University of Bath. 16-21 November 2009.
Summer Awards Ceremony in
Bath Abbey. Bath Abbey (2).
Photos of the Summer Degree Ceremonies 2009
Ceremony 5
20109/08 - 2013/07
Invited Speeches
2014 German Education Research Association (GERA)/Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany, March.
2013 Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB)/Institute of Education, University of London, UK, October.
2013 Pillips-Universität Marburg, Germany, February.
2012 Sophia University, Japan, February.
Latest Conferences (2012-)
Ruyu Hung (2014) Topic of presentation: Learning and Knowledge in the Confucian Humanism. 2014 Academic Workshop hosted by National Seoul University, Harvard-Yenching Institute and Asian Link of Philosophy of Education. 9-12 July 2014.
Ruyu Hung (2014) University for the future: A cross-cultural examination of academic freedom. Symposium THE UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTURE – CRISIS, CROSSRAOADS AND PATHS OF ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE CULTURES with Susanne Maria Weber (Germany), Mete Kurtoglu (Turkey), Sharon Ryder (Sweden), and Jan Maschelein (Belgium), Biannual Conference of the German Educational Research Association (GERA), 9th – 12th March 2014, Berlin, Germany.
Ruyu Hung (2013) The weight of words: exploring the Chinese graphocentrism. The 43rd Annual Conference of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), 6-9 December, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
盧思妤、洪如玉(2013)Andrew Dobson的非領土性概念與台灣環境公民。2013年台灣公民實踐教育之理論與實務研討會─追求社會公平正義之教育理念與實踐。2013/08/22,國立台北教育大學,臺北。
劉傑閔、洪如玉(2013)梭羅《湖濱散記》之探究──對我國社會環境教育與生態文明發展的啟示。2013社會環境教育與生態文明發展國際學術研討會,2013/07/21-22,國立台灣師範大學,臺北。 Ruyu Hung (2013) Higher education at the crossroads: Accreditation in universities in Taiwan. International Conference Organizational Education ‘Organisation and the New’, 28 Febrary-1 March 2013, Marburg, Germany.
Ruyu Hung (2012) Place and education: In the light of Proust and Thoreau. The 42nd Annual Conference of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), 7-10 December, 2012, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Huiching Chen & Ruyu Hung (2012) Levinas’ ethics of responsibility-for-the-other and its implications for ecological thinking. The 42nd Annual Conference of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), 7-10 December, 2012, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Chiaping Chen, Ruyu Hung & Sheng-Mo Chen (2012) Learning about the forestry-culture: A case study of place-based cross-curricular programme in a primary school in Taiwan. The 42nd Annual Conference of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), 7-10 December, 2012, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Hung, R., Kato, M., Kwak, D-J. & Park, E-J. (2012) Symposium for an Asian Link: Humanistic Ideals and Humanistic Educational Relation for the Post-modern Era: Exploring from the Eastern tradition. The 42nd Annual Conference of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), 7-10 December, 2012, Chiayi, Taiwan.
盧思妤、洪如玉(2012)公民資質之研究:Andrew Dobson的觀點。The 42nd Annual Conference of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), 7-10 December, 2012, Chiayi, Taiwan.
盧思妤、洪如玉(2012)從私領域實踐生態公民資質之探討:Andrew Dobson觀點。2020教育願景國際學術研討會,國立台灣師範大學教育學系,2012/11/09-10。
Kato, M., Hung, R., Kwak, D-J. & Park, E-J. (2012) Symposium for an Asian Link: Humanistic Ideals and Humanistic Educational Relation for the Post-modern Era: Exploring from the Eastern tradition. The 13th International Conference on Education Research (ICER). 15-17 October, 2012, Seoul Korea.
Hung, R. (2012) Ecological creativity: Anthropo-non-centralisation across Eastern and Western Mindscape. The Creative University Conference, Waikato, New Zealand, 15-16/08/2012.
陳彥揚、洪如玉(2012)全球化浪潮衝擊之下的地方教育之轉型:以雲林縣小學優質轉型方案為例。2012教育高階論壇國際研討會,國立台南大學教育學系,2012/03/28-30。盧思妤、洪如玉、黃月純(2012)世界主義與全球化爭議評析:Andrew Dobson的觀點。2012教育高階論壇國際研討會,國立台南大學教育學系,2012/03/28-30。
(Click for complete contents of publications)
Grants Awarded
(English version)
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Research Project Grant: Is Educational All About Hearing, Speaking, Reading and Writing? From the Perspectives of Ocularcentrism and Phonocentrism. MOST-103-2410-H-415-010-MY2. 1 Aug 2014-31 July 2016.
National Science Council (NSC) Research Project Grant: Différance of the Derridarian Pedagogy of Deconstruction. NSC102-2410-H-415-013. 1 Aug 2013-31 July 2014.
National Science Council (NSC) Research Project Grant: “Educationally Engaging Body in Place: Ecophilia, Place Aesthetics and Pedagogy”. NSC100-2410-H-415-040-MY2. 01 Aug 2010-31 July 3013.
National Science Council (NSC) Research Project Grant: An Exploration of the Aesthetic Pedagogy for Human Rights: (I) (II): A Fusion of horizons of Rorty and Merleau-Ponty. 01 August 2009- 31 July 2011.
National Science Council (NSC) Research Project Grant: An Exploration of Human Rights and Citizenship Education from the Perspective of Rorty. 01 August 2008-31 July 2009.
Postdoctoral Scholarship: Ministry of Education, Taiwan: (Nature and Education:) Ecophilia, Human Rights, and Education. University of Bath, UK. September 2006-September 2008.
National Science Council (NSC) Research Project Grant: The Study on the Mechanism of Promotion and the Implementation of Human Rights Education in the International Contexts: Learning from the Experience of UK. 01 August 2006-31 July 2007.
National Science Council (NSC) Research Project Grant: Is postmodern moral education possible? Rorty, morality and human rights. 01 August 2004-31 July 2005.
Ministry of Education Research Project Grant: Education for Human Rights with related Issues: Theory and Practices. 15/04/2003-14/4/2005.
National Chiayi University Research Project: Exploring the Foundation of Ecopedagogy: Ecocentrism, Merleau-Ponty and Educational Paradigm. 01-11/2004.
(Chinese version)
102年度國科會補助科技人才短期出國研究計畫:學習之所在:學校/地方/Derrida/Khora (NSC-102-2918-I-415-004)。
國科會專題研究計畫「人權審美教育學的理論建構與實踐(I)(II):Rorty與Merleau-Ponty的視域交融」。執行期限:2009/08/01-2011/07/31。NSC 98-2410-H-415-001-MY2
國科會專題研究計畫「羅逖(Richard Rorty)觀點的人權與公民素養與教育理念之研究」。執行期限:2008/08/01-2009/07/31。NSC-97-2410-H-415-001
Department of Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan Office Tel: 886-5-2263411-1801 Fax number: 886-2266568 |