(A) 期刊論文


  1. Huang, C.-H., Bayer, R.C.  1989.  Gastrointestinal absorption of various antibacterial agents in the American lobster (Homarus americanus).  The Progressive Fish-Culturist 51:95-97. (SCI)

  2. Decker, E.A., Huang, C.-H., Osinchak, J.E., Hultin, H.O.  1989.  Iron and copper: role in enzymic lipid oxidation of fish sarcoplasmic reticulum at in situ concentration.  Journal of Food Biochemistry  13:179-186. (SCI)

  3. Osinchak, J.E., Hultin, H.O., Zajicek, T.O., Kelleher, S.D., Huang, C.H.  1992.  Effect of NaCl on catalysis of lipid oxidation by the soluble fraction of fish muscle.  Free Radical Biology & Medicine  12:35-41. (SCI)

  4. Huang, C.-H., Hultin, H.O.  1992.  Soluble and bound iron equally effect lipid oxidation of sarcoplasmic reticulum.  Journal of Food Biochemistry  16:1-13. (SCI)

  5. Huang, C.-H., Hultin, H.O., Jafar, S.S.  1993.  Some aspects of Fe(II)-catalyzed oxidation of fish sarcoplasmic reticular lipid.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  41:1886-1892. (SCI)

  6. 黃承輝、熊文俊、秦宗顯  1995.  加熱方式對殘留於鰻魚肉中之羥四環素之影響。 嘉農學報  43101-110.

  7. 周昱翰、秦宗顯、黃承輝  1996.  高度不飽和脂肪酸對黃鰭鯛卵質與孵化率之影響。 生物科學  3919-27.

  8. 黃承輝、陳哲俊、秦宗顯  1996.  飼料魚油的穩定性與添加於粉狀鰻飼料中對日本鰻的影響。 嘉農學報  46101-109.

  9. 黃承輝、賴弘智  1996.  純黴素與根黴菌萃取物對於美洲鰻成長之影響。 嘉農學報  4895-102.

  10. 秦宗顯、周昱翰、黃承輝  1996.  高度不飽和脂肪酸對七星鱸種魚產卵品質之影響。 技術學刊  11539-545.

  11. 賴弘智、黃承輝、林天生  1997.  四種毛刷過濾處理方式對歐洲鰻(Anguilla anguilla)養殖池動物性浮游生物群落組成之影響。 生物科學  407-19.

  12. 黃鈴娟、黃承輝、翁義銘  1997.  利用聚乙烯抗菌膜及輕度微波加熱控制吳郭魚排冷藏期間微生物生長之研究。 食品科學  24263-268.

  13.  賴弘智、黃承輝  1997.  三種過濾循環處理對日本鰻(Anguilla japonica)養殖池浮游動物群落之比較。 嘉農學報  52109-122.

  14. Huang, C.-H.*,  Lee, A.-C.  1997.  Effects of substituting peanut meal for fish meal in diets on growth of European eel, Anguilla anguilla 中華生質能源學會會誌  16135-143.

  15. 郭世榮、黃承輝、邵廣昭  1997.  台灣西海岸紅樹林區魚類種類組成之研究。 中華生質能源學會會誌  1663-72.

  16. 黃承輝、熊文俊  1998.  飼料蛋白質含量對台灣鏟頜魚(Varicorhinus barbatulus)成長之影響。 生物科學  411-10.

  17. 黃承輝、黃銘志、李安進  1998.  吳郭魚肌漿網膜之脂質過氧化的特性。 食品科學  25104-108.

  18. 李安進、黃承輝、秦宗顯  1998.  建立檢測調控粒線體外膜VDAC channel之蛋白質的方法。 中華生質能源學會會誌  1711-17.

  19. Huang, C.-H.*, Huang, M.-C., Hou, P.-C.  1998.  Effect of dietary lipids on fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation in sarcoplasmic reticulum of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 120: 331-336. (SCI)

  20. Huang, C.-H.*, Weng, Y.M.  1998.  Inhibition of lipid oxidation in fish muscle by antioxidant incorporated polyethylene film.  Journal of Food Processing and Preservation  22: 199-209. (SCI)

  21. Shyong, W.-J., Huang, C.-H.*, Chen, H.-C.  1998.  Effects of dietary protein concentration on growth and muscle composition of juvenile Zacco barbata.  Aquaculture 167: 35-42. (SCI)

  22. Huang, C.-H.*, Lai, H.-T., Weng, Y.-M.  1998.  Suitability of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus) muscle for gel formation.  International Journal of Food Science and Technology 33:339-344. (SCI)

  23. Huang, C.-H.*, Shyong, W.-J.  1999.  Effect of dietary lipid level on growth and muscle composition of Varicorhinus barbatulus. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Tawian 2695-102.

  24. Huang, C.-H.*, Shyong, W.-J., Kuo, S.-R.  1999.  Effect of dietary lipid source on growth and muscle fatty acid composition of juvenile Varicorhinus barbatulus. Journal of the Biomass Energy Society of China  18:66-73.

  25. Huang, C.-H.*, Lin, W. -Y.  1999.  Effect of replacing fish meal with fermented soybean meal in diets on growth and body composition of juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensisJournal of the Fisheries Society of Tawian 26:225-232.

  26. Huang, C.-H.*, Shyong, W.-J., Lin, W.-Y.  2000.  Effect of varying dietary energy contents with two protein concentrations on growth and feed utilization of juvenile Zacco barbataJournal of the Fisheries Society of Tawian 27: 303-309.

  27. Huang, C.-H.*, Huang, S.-L., Chang, R.-J.  2001.  Some characteristics of iron-catalyzed lipid peroxidation in sarcoplasmic reticulum of cultured grass shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus).  Journal of the Fisheries Society of Tawian 28: 27-33.

  28. Huang, C.-H.*, Shyong, W.-J., Lin, W.-Y.  2001.  Dietary lipid supplementation affects the body fatty acid composition but not the growth of juvenile river chub, Zacco barbataAquaculture Research 32:1005-1010. (SCI)

  29.  Liang, M.-F., Huang, C.-H., Kam, Y.-C.  2002.  Effects of intermittent feeding on the growth of oophagous (Chirixalus eiffingeri) and herbivorous (Chirixalus idiootocus) tadpoles from Taiwan.  Journal of Zoology 256: 207-213. (SCI)

  30. Huang, C.-H.*., Lin, W. -Y.  2002.  Estimation of optimal dietary methionine requirement for softshell turtle, Pelodiscus sinensisAquaculture 207:281-287. (SCI)

  31. Huang, C.-H.*, Chang, R.-J., Huang, S.-L., Chen, W.  2003.  Dietary vitamin E supplementation affects tissue lipid peroxidation of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 134: 265-270. (SCI)

  32. Huang, C.-H., Liang, M.-F., Kam, Y.-C.  2003.  The fatty acid compositions of oophagous tadpoles, Chirixalus eiffingeri, fed conspecific and chicken egg yolk. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 135: 329-336. (SCI)

  33. Lin, Y.-R., Huang, S.-L., Huang, C.-H.*  2003. Characteristics of NADH-dependent lipid peroxidation in sarcoplasmic reticulum of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, and freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium roesenbergii. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 135: 683-687. (SCI)

  34. Huang, C.-H.*, Lin, W.-Y., Wu, S.-M.  2003.  Effect of dietary calcium and phosphorus supplementation in fish meal-based diets on growth of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensisAquaculture Research 34: 843-848. (SCI)

  35. Shih, S., Weng, YM. Chen, S., Huang, SL., Huang, C.-H., Chen, W.  2003.  FT-Raman spectroscopic investigation of lens proteins of tilapia treated with dietary vitamin E.  Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 420: 79-86. (SCI)

  36. Wu, G.S., Chung, Y.M., Lin, W.Y., Chen, S.Y., Huang, C.-H.*  2003.  Effect of substituting de-hulled or fermented soybean meal for fish meal in diets on growth of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Tawian 30: 291-297.

  37. Huang, S.-L., Weng, Y.-M., Huang, C.-H.*  2004.  Lipid peroxidation in sarcoplasmic reticulum and muscle of tilapia is inhibited by dietary vitamin E supplementation.  Journal of Food Biochemistry 28:101-111. (SCI)

  38. Huang, C.-H.*, Huang, S.-L.  2004. Effect of dietary vitamin E on growth, tissue lipid peroxidation, and liver glutathione level of juvenile hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus, fed oxidized oil. Aquaculture 237: 381-389. (SCI)

  39. Huang, C.-H.*, Lin, W.-Y.  2004.  Effects of dietary vitamin E level on growth and tissue lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis (Wiegmann) Aquaculture Research 35: 948-954. (SCI)

  40. Huang, C.-H.*, Higgs, D.A., Balfry, S.K., Devlin, R.H.  2004.  Effect of dietary vitamin E level on growth, tissue lipid peroxidation, and erythrocyte fragility of transgenic coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 139: 199-204. (SCI)

  41. Lin, W.Y., Chen, C.C., Du, M.C., Huang, C.-H.*.  2004.  Replacement of fish meal with de-hulled soybean meal in diets on growth of subadult hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Tawian 31: 263-268. 

  42. Huang, C.-H.*, Lin, W.Y., Chu, J.H.  2005.  Dietary lipid level influences fatty acid profiles, tissue composition, and lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A  142: 383-388. (SCI)

  43. Hu, C.-J., Chen, S.M., Pan, C.H., Huang, C.-H.*  2006.  Effects of dietary vitamin A or β-carotene concentrations on growth of juvenile hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus. Aquaculture 253: 602-607.(SCI)

  44. Sutton, J., Balfry, S.K., Higgs, D.A., Huang, C.-H., Skura, B.  2006.  Impact of iron-catalyzed dietary lipid peroxidation on growth performance, general health and flesh proximate and fatty acid composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in seawater.  Aquaculture 257: 534-557.(SCI)

  45. Lin, W.Y., Huang, C.-H.*  2007. Fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed different dietary lipid source. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 144: 327-333.(SCI)

  46. Chu, J.H., Chen, S.M., Huang, C.-H.*  2007.  Effect of dietary iron concentrations on growth, hematological parameters, and lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. Aquaculture 269: 532-537.(SCI)

  47. Wu, G.S. and Huang, C.-H.*  2008.  Estimation of dietary copper requirement of juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. Aquaculture 280:206-210. (SCI)

  48. Chang W. B., Huang, C. H. Cheng, S. H. and Kuo, J. 2008.  Fatty acid composition of copepods fed with different diets. Platax 5: 23-37.

  49. Wu, G.S., Chen, C.C. and Huang, C.-H.*  2008.  Growth, tissue lipid peroxidation and hepatic trace element content of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed a Cu-loaded diet followed by a normal diet. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Tawian 35: 195-200.

  50. Chu, J.H., Chen, S.M. and Huang, C.-H.*  2009. Growth, haematological parameters and tissue lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diets supplemented with different levels of ferrous sulphate. Aquaculture Nutrition 15: 54-59 (SCI).

  51. Huang, S.C., Chen, S.M. and Huang, C.-H.*  2010.  Effects of dietary zinc levels on growth, serum zinc, haematological parameters, and tissue trace elements of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis. Aquaculture Nutrition 16: 284-289. (SCI)

  52. Tseng, K.Y., Chen, S.M. and Huang, C.-H.*  2010.  Some characteristics of iron-catalyzed NADH-dependent sarcoplasmic reticular lipid oxidation in a seawater clam (Meretrix lusoria) and freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea). Journal of Food Biochemistry 34: 825-837. (SCI)

  53. Chen, L.P. and Huang, C.-H.*  2011.  Effects of dietary β-carotene levels on growth and liver vitamin A concentrations of the soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis (Wiegmann).  Aquaculture Research 42: 1848-1854. (SCI)

  54. Huang, S.C. and Huang, C.-H.*  2012. Zinc requirements of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diets containing phytic acid.  Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 39: 75-82.

  55. Chou, S.J. and Huang, C.-H.* 2013. Ultraviolet influences growth, tissue vitamin D status, and carapace strength of Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis.  Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 40: 71-77.

  56. Guo, S.M. and Huang, C.-H.* 2013.  Dietary zinc requirements of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diet with soybean meal as the major protein source. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 40: 117-124.

  57. Chen, C.Y., Chen, S.M. and Huang, C.-H.*  2014.  Dietary magnesium requirement of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diets containing exogenous sodium phytate. Aquaculture  432: 80-84 (SCI)

  58. Chen, R.M., Chen, S.M. and Huang, C.-H.*  2014. Effect of salbutamol supplementation on growth, muscle protein mass and residue salbutamol in muscle of hybrid tilapia. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 41: 165-170.

  59. Chen, S.M., Tseng, K.Y. and Huang, C.-H.*  2015.  Fatty acid composition, sarcoplasmic reticular lipid oxidation, and immunity of hard clam (Meretrix lusoria) fed different dietary microalgae.  Fish and Shellfish Immunology 45: 14-145 (SCI).

  60. Wang, C.C. and Huang, C.-H.* 2015.  Effects of dietary vitamin C on growth, lipid oxidation, and carapace strength of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. Aquaculture 445: 1-4 (SCI).

  61. Chen, L.P. and Huang, C.-H.*  2015. Estimation of dietary vitamin A requirement of juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. Aquaculture Nutrition 21: 457-463 (SCI).

  62. Chen, C.Y. and Huang, C.-H.* 2015.  Effects of dietary magnesium on the growth, carapace strength, and tissue magnesium concentrations of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis (Wiegmann).  Aquaculture Research 46: 2116-2123 (SCI).

  63. Li, M.R. and Huang, C.-H.* 2016. Effect of dietary zinc level on growth, enzyme activity, and body trace elements of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus, fed soya bean meal-based diets.  Aquaculture Nutrition 22:1320-1327 (SCI)

  64. Hsieh, M.C., Huang, C.H., Yang, H.W., Chen, J.C. and Hsu, C.K.*  2017. Black soybean seed coat containing diet enhancing the growth performance of juvenile hybrid tilapia Orechromis nitoticus × O. aureus.  Aquaculture Research 48: 2593–2601(SCI).

  65. Chou, S.J. and Huang, C.H.*  2017. Effect of excessive dietary vitamin D on growth of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, under dark environment.  Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 44: 249-254.

  66. Su, Y.T., Huang, C.-H.* 2019. Esimation of dietary vitamin K requirement of juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensisAquaculture Nutrition 25: 1327-1333(SCI).

  67. Tsai, T.H., Huang, C.-H.* 2019.  Thiamine requirement of Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensisAquacultrue Research 50: 2812-2819 (SCI).



(B)   學術研討會摘要論文暨其他專書章節


  1.  Huang, C.-H. and Hultin, H.O.  1990.  Soluble and bound iron equally effect lipid oxidation of sarcoplasmic reticulum.  5th Biennial Meeting, International Society for Free Radical Research on Oxidation Damage and Repair, Pasadena, CA.

  2. Huang, C.-H. and Hultin, H.O.  1992.  Some aspects of Fe2+-catalyzed lipid oxidation in fish sarcoplasmic reticulum.  Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, LA.

  3. Opiacha, J.O., Hultin, H.O., Huang, C.-H. and Kelleher, S.D.  1997.  Improvements in stability and functionality of fatty fish surimi.  International Conference of Food Science and Technology of the Fine Particle Society and “John E. Kinsella Symposium on Food System Functionality”, Las Vegas, NV.

  4. 黃承輝、熊文俊  1997.  飼糧蛋白質含量對台灣鏟頜魚(Varicorhinus barbatulus)成長之影響。 台灣省水產學會86年度論文發表會,屏東。

  5. Huang, C.-H., Huang, M.-C. and Hou, P.-C.  1998.  Effect of dietary lipids on fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation of sarcoplasmic reticulum of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus O. aureus. 中國生物學會87年度論文發表會,台北。

  6. 黃承輝、熊文俊  1998.  Effect of dietary lipid level on growth and muscle composition of Varicorhinus barbatulus. 台灣省水產學會87年度論文發表會,台北。

  7. Huang, C.-H.  1999.  Research for developing cost effective feeds for aquaculture in Taiwan.  Joint South Africa-Taiwan Aquaculture, Fisheries Resources and Management Forum.  Pretoria, South Africa.

  8. Huang, C.-H. and Lin, W. -Y.  1999.  Effect of replacing fish meal with fermented soybean meal in diets on growth and body composition of juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensis台灣省水產學會88年度論文發表會,高雄。

  9. Huang, C.-H. and Shyong, W.-J.  2000.  Effect of varying energy contents with two protein levels in diets on growth of Zacco barbata. The 9th International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding in Fish, Miyazaki, Japan.

  10. Huang, S.-L, Huang, C.-H., Chang, R.-J  2000.  Some characteristics of iron-catalyzed lipid peroxidation in sarcoplasmic reticulum of cultured grass shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus).  台灣省水產學會89年度論文發表會,基隆。

  11. Huang, C.-H., Chang, R.-J and Huang, S.-L.  2001.  Effect of dietary vitamin E on growth and lipid peroxidation in hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus O. aureus, tissues. 台灣省水產學會90年度論文發表會,高雄。

  12. Huang, C.-H. and Lin, W. -Y.  2001.  Estimation of optimal dietary methionine requirement for softshell turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis.  The 6th Asian Fisheries Forum, Koashiung, Taiwan

  13. Huang, C.-H. and Lin, W. -Y.  2002.  Dietary calcium supplementation improves the growth of cultured soft-shell turtle on fish meal based diets.  The 10th International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding in Fish, Rhodes, Greece.

  14. Huang, C.-H. 2003.  Lipid peroxidation in fish nutrition and product quality. In: J Baker and IC Liao (eds) Joint Australia-Taiwan Aquaculture, Fisheries Resources and Management Forum III. Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering, Melbourne, Australia. pp. 81-86.

  15. Lin, W.-Y. and Huang, C.-H.  2003.  Effects of dietary vitamin E level on growth and tissue lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis (Wiegmann).  台灣省水產學會92年度論文發表會,高雄。

  16.  Lin, Y.-R., Huang, S.-L. and Huang, C.-H.  2003. Characteristics of NADH-dependent lipid peroxidation in sarcoplasmic reticulum of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, and freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium roesenbergii. 台灣省水產學會92年度論文發表會,高雄。

  17. Hu, C.-J. and Huang, C.-H.  2003.  Dietary vitamin A requirement of hybrid tilapia. 台灣省水產學會92年度論文發表會,高雄。

  18. Chu, J.H., Wu, G.S. and Huang, C.-H.  2004.  Effect of dietary iron level on hematological parameters of soft-shelled turtle.  台灣省水產學會93年度論文發表會,台北。

  19. Huang, C.-H. and Huang, S.-L.  2004. Effect of dietary vitamin E on growth, tissue lipid peroxidation, and liver glutathione level of juvenile hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus, fed oxidized oil. The 11th International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding in Fish, Phuket Island, Thailand.

  20. Wu, G.S. and Huang, C.H.  2005.  Effect of dietary iron level on growth and hematological parameters of soft-shelled turtle. Annual Meeting, Taiwan Fisheries Society, Pingtung, Taiwan.

  21. Huang, S.C. and Huang, C.H. 2006. Effect of dietary zinc level on growth and hematological parameters of soft-shelled turtle. Annual Meeting, Taiwan Fisheries Society, Taipei, Taiwan.

  22. Huang, C.-H.  2007.  Feeds and nutrition of fish.  In: Liao, Y., Hsu, J., Hsieh, Y., Ruan, Y. and Fung, Y. (eds), Introduction to Agriculture, National Chiayi University Press, Chiayi, Taiwan.  Pp. 403-408.

  23. Tseng, K.Y., Chen, S.M., and Huang, C.H. 2007.  Some characteristics of iron-catalyzed NADH or NADPH-dependent lipid oxidation in sarcoplasminc reticulum of seawater clam and freshwater clam.  Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL., USA.

  24. Chen, L.B. and Huang, C.H.  2007.  Dietary vitamin A requirement of soft-shelled turtles.   Annual Meeting, Taiwan Fisheries Society, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.

  25. Chu, J.H., Chen, S.M. and Huang, C.H. 2008.  Growth, haematological parameters and tissue lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diets supplemented with different levels of ferrous sulfate. World Aquaculture 2008, Busan, Korea.

  26. Huang, C.-H. and Wu, G.S. 2008.  Effect of dietary copper on growth, trace mineral content, hematology, and lipid peroxidation of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. 5th World Fisheries Congress, Yokohama, Japan.

  27. Huang, C.H., Huang, S.J. and Chen, S.M.  2009. Growth, serum zinc, hematological parameters and tissue trace elements of soft-shelled turtles pelodiscus sinensis fed different level of zinc sulfate.  Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  28. Lin, W.H. and Huang, C.H. 2010. Dietary attractants improve feed consumption and growth of soft-shelled turtles fed semi-purified diets.  The 14th International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding in Fish, Cingdao, China.

  29. Lin, Y.J. and Huang, C.H. 2010. Effects of dietary selenium and vitamin E on glutathione peroxidase activities in soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis.  The 14th International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding in Fish, Cingdao, China.

  30. Lu, C.S and Huang, C.H. 2010. Effects of dietary lysine level on growth of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. The 14th International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding in Fish, Cingdao, China.

  31. Chen, L.P. and Huang, C.-H.  2011.  Dietary beta-carotene influences liver vitamin A concentrations of the soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis.  The 9th Asian Fisheries Forum, Shanghai, China.

  32. Huang, C.H. and Huang, S.C. 2012. Dietary zinc requirements of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diets containing phytic acid. Australian Aquaculture 2012, Melbourne, Australia.

  33. Huang, C.H. and Chen, C.Y. 2012. Estimation of dietary magnesium requirements of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis.  Aqua 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.

  34. Huang, C.H. and Chou, S.J. 2013. Light exposure influences growth, vitamin D status, and carapace strength of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis.  10th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Yeosu, Korea. 

  35. Guo, S.H. and Huang, C.H.  2013. Estimating zinc requirements of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diet with soybean meal as the major protein source.  9th Symposium of the Worlds Chinese Scientists on Nutrition and Feeding of Finfish and Shellfish.  Xiamen, China.

  36. Huang, C.H. and Chen, C.Y.  2013. Dietary magnesium requirements of soft-shelled turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis, fed diets containing phytic acid.  Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

  37. Huang, C.H. and Li, M.R.  2014.  Dietary zinc requirement of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus, fed a soybean meal based diet.  The 16th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Cairns, Australia.

  38. Huang, C.H.  2015. Aquaculture education in Taiwan.  2nd International Symposium on Aquaculture and Fisheries Education, Shanghai, China.

  39. Huang, C.H. and Wang, C.C. 2015. Dietary vitamin C is needed to maintain carapace strength of soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis.  World Aquaculture 2015, Jeju, Korea.

  40. Huang, C.H. and Chang, Y,S.  2016. Growth, body minerals, and hematological parameters of hybrid tilapia fed diets containing exogenous phytic acid.  The 7th World Fisheries Congress, Busan, Korea.

  41. Huang, C.H.  2016. Aquaculture Higher Education in Taiwan-Problems and Solutions.  The 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Bangkok, Thailand.

  42. Su, Y.T. and Huang, C.H. 2016. A sarcoplasmic reticular lipid peroxidation system in some fish and shellfish muscle.  The 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Bangkok, Thailand.

  43. Huang, C.H.  2017.  Recent developments of aquaculture education in Taiwan. The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium (invited), Tokyo, Japan.

  44. Huang, C.H.  2017.  Advancements in soft-shelled turtle nutrition.  The 11th Symposium of the Worlds Chinese Scientists on Nutrition and Feeding of Finfish and Shellfish (keynote).  Huzhou, China.
  45. Huang, C.H.  2019. Suitability of tilapia muscle for protein gel formation. The 12th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Iloillo, Philippines.

  46. Huang, C.H.  2019. Dietary Requirements of soft-shelled turtle for some trace elements. The 12th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Iloillo, Philippines.

  47. Huang, C.H.  2019.  Summary of post-harvest, food safety and processing technology session (plenary). The 12th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Iloillo, Philippines.


